Finishing the Thiсс-15
Or a Laptop for Android Development
First step - we buy this chunky guy Update: on their site, only the full version with internals THICC-15 is left
What is it: an empty laptop without a processor, RAM, hard drive.
Why choose it?
Firstly, without these components, the duty will be less. Secondly, it’s the only one of its kind (apart from its twins, like Xmg Apex-15) laptop supporting a desktop Ryzen 9.
While the package is on its way, we quickly buy ourselves a Ryzen 3950x (because an Android project is serious business)
Ordered, received, unpacked, happy?
Unfortunately, it’s slightly too noisy even without heavy load. 16 cores after all.
Thinking about what to do with it.
Literally. We take a jigsaw, remove the cover and carefully cut out the middle of it. O_O
No turning back now :)
Now we need a mesh. We cut it out of an old laptop stand.
Glue the mesh to the frame of the cover with epoxy resin and super glue.
Almost ready.
We buy small copper plates for cooling separately. Height ~3.5 mm.
We will attach them on top of the cooling system, so we need to remove the labels-handles from it and clean the surface.
Copper wire and heat-resistant rubber rings will be suitable for attachment.
Don’t forget to apply thermal paste, as the surface is uneven.
All done, ready to assemble.
Why Such Power?
The laptop is suitable as a portable desktop computer. It’s convenient when your entire environment is always with you in full power.