Databinding Episode II; Mistakes of the Past

Sometimes in everyday Android development, you encounter strange, if not mystical bugs. (standard introduction)

In the previous episode Databinding Episode I; Hidden Danger

Let’s assume there is a *.kt class:

open class Base {
  open fun isEmpty() = false

and its *.java inheritor:
class Child extends Base {
  public boolean isEmpty = true;

Here we can already notice that we have shot ourselves in the foot. But let’s continue.

We wanted to use the Child class in databinding.

Attention, question: will the following View be visible?

  <variable name="child" type="Child" />

  android:visibility="@{child.isEmpty ? View.VISIBLE : View.GONE}"

Moral of the Story

  1. Do not inherit Java classes from Kotlin classes.
  2. Maybe it’s time to switch to Jetpack Compose?